Articles on Building in public, Software Engineering and our experimentsHow to give an estimate?Lots of software jobs require clarity on when features will be done. Here is a way of improving how we communicate estimates.Podge O'BrienOct 05, 2022estimatesplanningHow I unblock myself as a developer?It happens to all of us, we get stuck on a problem.Grace WilkesSep 25, 2022unstucklearningcareerWhat does getting to the front of Hacker News look like?A recyled post blew up on reddit and then got picked up on HAcker news, what it looks likePodge O'BrienSep 17, 2022Hacker newsredditstatisticsYour code doesn't have to change the world.An article that walks through initial interest, research, and execution of a simple, somewhat useless Python/Selenium bot.Adam MannJul 10, 2022pythonbotlearningPython, drawing fractalssimple code to draw fractals with the python turtle inside colabRoberto GambuzziJul 10, 2022pythontutorialBuilding Hulacorn in public updateWe aim to help how engineers can get better at creating software.Podge O'BrienJul 09, 2022build-in-publicbootstrapindie-hackingThe journey to my first engineering jobFrom Atlanta to Korea to Virginia, this is how I got into my first software engineering job.Grace WilkesJun 30, 2022careerfirst-jobmentoringServerless VS PHP shared hosting.A short rant on the similarities of PHP and ServerlessRoberto GambuzziJun 25, 2022serverlessphpMonolith, Microservices and Micro Monoliths, A story on rightsizing teams to services.How going blindly into microservices can introduce too much complexity and lead to disaster.Roberto GambuzziJun 19, 2022microservicesmonolithmicromonolithPython, Counting Elementsshort video on counting elements using a dictionaryRoberto GambuzziJun 06, 2022pythontutorialWhat is a principal engineer?I have worked as a Principal Software Engineer in multiple companies, like AWS and Google.Roberto GambuzziJun 02, 2022LadderCareerEngineers getting started on marketingStarting a business is hard, it involves a lot, Marketing is one of those thingsPodge O'BrienApr 08, 2022StartupMrketingIndie-hackerNext12 3