
Wrap & Columns - Shortcodes

The columns below use the wrap, columns, and cols shortcodes as shown in the following code.

Additional instructions are included in the /utils/paired-shortcodes.js file.

NOTE: in Markdown you must provide an empty line above a heading, as in the ## Columns below or else it won’t be processed by Markdown.

The wrap wrapper is optional and only used if you want to include any content within the “block.”
For example, if you wanted to wrap the columns in a background color (like below) and include the header or other content in that block.

ALSO NOTE: All the border, rounded, and background color stuff is optional and for example only. Margins and Padding are minimal on the cols shortcode (p-4, m-2)) in order to preserve responsive spacing.

{% wrap "px-2 mt-8 rounded-lg pb-2 border border-gray-300 bg-gray-200" %}

### Columns Example

{% columns %}

{% cols "bg-gray-100 rounded-lg" %}
Left column
{% endcols %}

{% cols "bg-gray-100 rounded-lg" %}
Right column
{% endcols %}

{% endcolumns %}

{% endwrap %}

Columns Example

Left column
Right column